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tv   CBS 5 Eyewitness News at 5AM  CBS  December 11, 2012 5:00am-6:00am PST

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>> your realtime captioner: linda marie macdonald i'm live in hayward where a family is without a home after their apartment went up in flames. what the mother thinks started the fire. four pipe bombs in four days in one bay area town. a simple prank or something more? >> clear and cold around most of the bay area now. some rain could be coming back. we'll tell you when coming up. >> and we have roadwork this morning up the nimitz freeway through oakland. plus just getting word of what sounds like a pretty bad accident in daly city. we'll have details coming up.
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good morning, everyone. it's tuesday, december 11. i'm michelle griego. >> hi, everyone. i'm frank mallicoat. 5:01. we are on the scene of breaking news in the east bay at an apartment fire that started about an hour ago. cbs 5 reporter elissa harrington is in hayward getting the latest. >> reporter: that apartment completely destroyed and there was a mother who lived there with her young son. she told us that she thinks somebody threw something into her home and that's what caused it to set on fire. so arson investigators are on scene. they are trying to sort all of this out but we are on dixon street right by the bart station. this was a one-alarm fire but again it caused significant damage and firefighters say that that family won't be able to return home. nobody was hurt. pg&e crews also on scene securing some lines and we are still waiting to get some more information but as i said arson investigators are on scene. elissa harrington, cbs 5. new this morning, a fire in east oakland is believed to have been started by squatters.
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the single-alarm fire happened around 1:30 this morning on 64th and international boulevard. officials say homeless people may have been living in the building at the time. no injuries reported. the same building caught fire in august. it took firefighters about half hour to put it out back then. and at the time, it was an appliance store called budget appliances. a man is in critical condition after he was shot in san francisco's mission district. witnesses say the gunman was talking to the victim near natoma and 14th about 8:00 last night. he opened fire hitting the victim four times. suspect took off. san francisco's gang task force is now investigating. she killed her friend in a jealous rage over a man, now giselle esteban will spend 25 years to life behind bars. calling her a cold-blooded killer, a judge handed down the sentence yesterday. esteban cast convicted of
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killing 26-year-old michelle le a nursing student last year. esteban said nothing and showed no emotion. >> maybe she will never feel remorse. if she did it would show somewhat of a human being. the man accused of kidnapping and killing 15-year- old sierra lamar will face new charges tomorrow in connection with three other kidnappings. santa clara county's district attorney filed the charges against antolin garcia-torres. in addition to the charges he faces in the lamar case. she disappeared in march. her body has never been found but her dna was found in garcia- torres' car. another top executive at the port of oakland is out. james kwon is quitting effective this month but will stay on as an advisor until his replacement is found. he allegedly billed strip club charges to the port on two occasions and the audit found
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questionable expenses by dozens of port employees and commissioners. the executive director omar benjamin retired after the audit. in a few hours, search crews in vallejo will deploy' so for video camera to try to find a missing man of the officials think 77-year-old phillip mattingly of fair oaks may have fallen into the mare island strait last seen saturday afternoon working on a tugboat on the eastshore of the island. divers and coast guard boats have searched the waters but have found nothing. today contra costa county leaders will debate scaling backfire service. supervisors are considering closing as many as four stations. the proposed closures come after voters failed to pass measure q a partial tax to fund the fire services. let's check the weather. >> snow around the bay area? and rain? >> yes. >> welcome back!
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>> a good possibility. down to 3,000 feet or so, so not a whole lot of snow but we could see a light dusting on the mountains. quiet so far this morning. mostly clear. couple of patches of valley fog into the north bay. otherwise, you can begin to just see that cold front swinging in toward the state. it will take the better part of the day to get down here so for the most part, i think we stay dry today. that could change though as we get into the evening hours. still if you are heading out the door, grab that jacket. it is chilly. 39 degrees in concord. 39 santa rosa. 47 degrees in san francisco. by the afternoon, highs expected to be in the 50s and 60s. we may begin to inningle a couple of raindrops in the north bay, then rain moves in overnight tonight into tomorrow and yes, even the possibility of a couple of snowflakes. that's the latest from here. let's check traffic with elizabeth. >> thanks, lawrence. we are just gathering more information about this accident we are hearing about in daly city on the stretch of highway 85. skyline boulevard right there by john daily boulevard. so we think a car ran off the roadway and we're hearing the
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first reports of major injuries. so again, lanes are likely blocked and if it is in fact major injuries they will be blocked for a while. in the meantime, outside here's a live look at the nimitz in oakland. no rain so far. just overnight roadwork between embarcadero and fruitvale in both directions of the nimitz this morning. farther south in milpitas, this is live look at 880/237. both directions of the freeway look good. similar story across the golden gate bridge. no problems towards doyle drive, san francisco, and mass transit continues to report no delays. that is traffic. back to you guys. 5:07. new this morning, we now know nelson mandela has a lung infection. the former south african president has been in the hospital since saturday. he suffered with similar infections for the last couple of years. officials say the 94-year-old mandela is responding well to treatment. an elite navy seal killed in a rescue operation in
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afghanistan this weekend is back in the u.s. 28-year-old nicolas cheque -- the body of nicolas cheque will be returned to his family. cheque was shot as he and his seal team rescued an american doctor held captive by the taliban. high school friends say cheque always wanted to be in the military. >> that was his plan. it wasn't college, it wasn't engineering. i'm interested in being in the military and living that lifestyle serving my country. >> 7 taliban members were killed in the rescue. cheque a 10-year veteran was part of the elite u.s. special forces team that killed osama bin laden. a smoke smell forcing a las vegas-bound flight to make an emergency landing in sacramento. an airport spokesman said the alaskan airlines flight out of seattle landed just before 5:00 last night. on the ground, fire trucks and
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ambulances surrounded the plane. >> crew was being very calm and i was watching their eyes and their movements and i thought, they don't seem too stressed so i'm going to just stay calm until i see them looking stressed. >> none of the 152 vegas-bound passengers on board was hurt but a flight attendant was treated for burning eyes and irritated throat. cause of the smell being investigated. a mysterious invasion along some beaches in california. thousands of squid washed up all of a sudden along a 12-mile stretch of shore on monterey bay. the humboldt squid have stranded themself from aptos to watsonville yesterday during high tide. some people tried to put them back in the water but then the department water creatures swam back to shore. a graduate student observing the bizarre phenomenon says the squid probably don't know where they are. >> they probably don't understand and are trying to get away and don't realize if
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they swim towards shore, they are going to run out of water eventually. >> researchers think they may have eaten toxic algae causing them to be disoriented and swim on the beach. also, el nino weather patterns may have drawn them to the cooler waters of northern california. negotiations in the crabbers strike will get going again this afternoon the it's been six days since the boats went out and dungeness crab is mighty hard to find in stores and restaurants around the bay area. crabbers are upset over wholesalers' attempts to lower prices and in a related development, oregon is now delaying the opening of its crab season until december 30. that should give bay area crabbers perhaps a little more leverage to get a deal done. time now 5:10. it's a glass ceiling women are shattering. how ladies are winning the race to the sentry mark. >> fierce time thousands plan to pro necessary michigan against a right to work bill. hour president obama is weighing in.
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>> even santa needs help sometimes. how one basketball star is bringing joy to some needy children. ,, ♪ secondhand smoke affects everyone's health. it's not just irritating. it can cause heart disease and even death. speak up about secondhand smoke. your health and the health of your family depend on it.
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to make just about anything delicious. introducing new jif chocolate flavored hazelnut spread. whatever you put it on... reaches a whole new level of deliciousness. choosy moms choose jif.
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a-claus. countinuing a 20-year tradi, n-b-a star shaquille o'ne it is the season of giving. no one knows that better than shaqa claus. continuing a 20 years
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tradition, shaquille o'neal brought truckloads of toys for kids in need to the toys 'r us are times square. he and marines will distributed the toys. he played one year in boston. he does a lot for charity. >> it's so great to see. i like the shaq-a-claus. >> he is a little taller than most santas! but he does the job well. this is a live look, conditions at the bay bridge toll plaza. obviously you're just cruising toward the pay gates heading into san francisco. continues to look like that. our one problem spot is in daly city. so if you check out our maps, we may be sending a crew to the scene of this accident because it sounds like there are major injuries. highway 35 by john daly boulevard coming into daly
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city. lanes are blocked. a car ran off the road. that's what's going on there. so again, expect to see some delay. other than that accident it's just overnight roadwork including this stretch of northbound 280 to southbound 101 that remains closed. they have been doing ongoing roadwork in the area. golden gate bridge traffic is still moving fine. in fact, we didn't ever see any roadwork on the approach to the golden gate bridge so headlights are moving southbound towards doyle drive, san francisco, drive time still looks great. 13 minutes between 580 and the golden gate bridge toll plaza. they may be doing lane changes to get more lanes open towards commuter traffic. but other than that, that's pretty much all that's going on across the golden gate bridge. and here's a live look up the nimitz. they still have that roadwork in lanes between embarcadero and fruitvale. obviously it's not enough to make a dent in the drive time. 16 minutes on northbound 880 between 238 and the maze. by the way that roadwork is in both directions of 880 right now. and a little farther south if your commute takes you towards
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milpitas, this is near the 880/237 interchange. these headlights right here, that's the westbound 237 commute for silicon valley commuters. still moving at the limit. and right now still we'll show it to you because we can, no delay right now for any kind of mass transit all across the bay area. all right. that is your traffic. and i know lawrence is gearing up i guess possibly for a wet morning commute tomorrow. >> yeah. i think will be a whole different commute for you tomorrow morning. but today it's a quiet start to the day, a little cold. we are seeing patchy, dense fog in the north bay valleys but big changes coming our way as we have a storm system dropping into the bay area. this is going to be a very cold storm. nothing like those big storms. it could carry a couple of snowflakes to the bay area. wouldn't that be something? clear out over the bay right now. temperatures a little chilly. we have some 30s in the valleys. fog into santa rosa. visibilities down to a half mile. 39 degrees. 47 in san francisco. 45 degrees in san jose.
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on the big picture high pressure starting to weaken. you can see the cold front lagging well to the north. it will take the better part of the day to drop down in our direction but we'll see increasing clouds throughout the afternoon hours and maybe a chance of some showers developing as we head in toward the evening in the north bay. the further north you go the better chance you have of rainfall today. watch out for dense tule fog into the central valley. high country look good. 50s and 40s, good travel conditions up there. let's time it out. mostly clear this morning, we may see some fog move in along the coastline later on today and chance of showers on the increase. by tonight expecting showers around the bay area and because the storm system is so cold, it can't hold that much water. so we're talking about a half inch, maybe three-quarters inch in the wettest parts of the bay area but enough to get wet out there. 50s and 60s going to stay dry today into the south bay dry into the east bay, as well. 36 degrees in livermore. 61 pleasanton. and as you make your way to the north bay those temperatures running up in the 50s and the 60s. those clouds on the increase,
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rain become likely overnight tonight into tomorrow morning. then turning to showers. a brief break on thursday then chance of more showers on friday. and then looks like maybe another storm rolls in come next sunday but none of these big storms, but reminding you that it is the cold wintry season with maybe some snow. >> thank you. a controversial right to work bill comes up for a vote today in michigan. police are preparing for as many as 10,000 protestors. the bill would allow workers and union represented employers to opt out of paying dues even though the union would still bargain on their behalf. during a stop in michigan yesterday, president obama criticized the proposal. >> these so-called right to work laws, they don't have to do with economics! they have everything to do with politics. >> yeah! >> what they are really talking about is giving you the right to work for less money. >> supporters of the bill say it will attract businesses and bring more jobs to michigan in. it's expected to pass and the state's republican governor is expected to sign it. michigan currently has the
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highest percentage of union workers in the country. silence on both sides of the "fiscal cliff" negotiations could actually be a good sign that the negotiations are progressing. the house speaker john boehner, the president are the only parties negotiating right now. and no details have been released. today congressional democrats will hold a press conference to urge republicans to preserve medicaid funding in the final deal. republicans say cutting entitlements is necessary to curb the it uncountry's deficit. northbound police are trying to figure out the motor -- new york police are trying to figure out the motive of a 2 p.m. afternoon murder yesterday. a 31-year-old man from los angeles was shot in the back of the head near central park. police say the gunman jumped into a waiting car and took off. smoking marriage is now officially legal in colorado. -- smoking marijuana is officially legal in colorado. the governor declared the voter- approved amendment is now part
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of the state constitution. it allows anyone over 21 to possess up to an ounce of marijuana for recreational use or six plants. colorado still does not allow commercial sale of pot. state leaders are waiting for federal guidance on that front. it is 5:19. a new report by the u.s. census bureau suggest that is women have a better chance than men of living to be 100. sorry, guys. the more than 53,000 americans 100 years old, 80% are actually women. race and ethnicity are also factors. the 2010 census found the majority of the centenarians are white women who live in urban areas. 5:20. call them the road warriors. golden state takes on the bobcats in charlotte. >> they are hot plus packing a punch the pats routing texas for the win. and our play of the day. touchdown! >> and we want to know what's cool about your school.
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you can submit your nomination on our website, and we may feature school here on the show. ,,,,,,,,,, you won't take my life.
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you won't take our future. aids affects us all. even babies. chevron is working to stop mother-to-child transmission. our employees and their families are part of the fight. and we're winning. at chevron nigeria, we haven't had a reported case in 12 years. aids is strong. aids is strong.
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but we are stronger. and aids... ♪ aids is going to lose. aids is going to lose. ♪ good morning. mostly clear and cold, although we are seeing a couple of
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patches of fog in the north bay. maybe some rain on the way. we'll talk about that coming up. >> and road check. let's see. we're looking good so far. check out three of our traffic cameras. we have the golden gate bridge, the bay bridge and the dublin- pleasanton commute all of which are still moving at the limit. more "timesaver traffic" coming up. all right, elizabeth. thank you. the golden state warriors might want to stay on the road forever. >> guys are hot! 4-0. stephen curry at home in charlotte where his father does a broadcast for the bobcats. steal and score! curry had 27 and 7 assists including a beauty to mr. david lee with the dunk there. the warriors won 104-96. they are 4-0 on the trip that continued tomorrow but they are going to miami. that will be a tough one. 9ers runningback brandon jacobs hasn't gotten the playing time he thinks he deserves and now he won't be getting any playing time at a.m. the team suspended him for the last three games. jacobs posted on twitter an instagram that he wanted to get
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more game time saying he was, quote, on this team rotting away. the head coach didn't comment yesterday but jim harbaugh suspended him. 9ers could win the nfc west in prime time. nfl did a smart move changing the time of the december 23rd game against the seahawks making it the prime time sunday night game. originally, the league had the jets and chargers playing at that time of the but this is a much better game. now for today's play of the day. it involves the 49ers' next opponent. the next patriots just put a head banging on the houston texans. tom brady threw for almost 300 yards, 4 touchdowns including a play where it popped lose but they score anyway. they destroyed the best team so- called in the nfl last night. patriots won 42-14 over the texans. >> the texans' record was -- >> 11-1. they're now 11-2.
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braidcy is amazing. 5:25 right now. thousands of squid storming bay area beaches. >> what could be behind this mysterious phenomenon on the coast. >> we're following breaking news in hayward. a family without a home. others evacuated after this apartment caught on fire early this morning. what one neighbor says she saw before that fire started. first, a pipe bomb blew up a mailbox. now one is found near a school. the scary chain of events in an east bay suburb. ,,,,,, [ male announcer ] there's chicken
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and there's juicy chicken best foods is the secret to making parmesan crusted chicken so juicy so delicious it's your secret to making dinner disappear best foods. bring out the best for strong beautiful hair. -it turns out... -we were working at... at the wrong end of hair. [ male announcer ] introducing clear. it feeds your scalp. clear gives you stronger more beautiful hair. [ heidi ] clear scalp and hair beauty therapy.
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you can see them essentially killing themselves. it's really weird to see. >> a squid invasion! thousands wash up on northern california beaches. >> to be honest, researchers have no idea why this is
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happening. >> a fourth pipe bomb in four days found near an east bay elementary school. >> something blow up or what is it a gunshot? >> we can only hope there aren't more. >> family going you there a difficult time. we are strong and we will continue to stay strong. >> tributes around the world and the bay area for mexican- american singer jenni rivera. >> there's mournings and vigils. >> legislators in michigan are set as to vote on a right to work bill today. >> need to do what we can to get the economy rolling full speed again. >> what they're really talking about is giving you the right to work for less money? >> look at the lights up there dude! >> mystery lights over san francisco bay. >> i am 100% sure this was a ufo. >> from across the bay to around the world, the stories that matter on "eyewitness news this morning." >> touchdown! ♪ [ music ] >> your realtime captioner: linda marie macdonald. good morning. it's tuesday, december 11.
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i'm michelle griego. >> hi, everyone. i'm frank mallicoat. it is 5:30 now. we have some breaking news from the east bay this morning. >> yeah. let's go right to cbs 5 reporter elissa harrington where arson investigators are checking an apartment fire in hayward. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. we're here on dixon street right near the bart station. this is the apartment where a woman lived with her son. take a look inside. it's completely gutted and destroyed. now, we do not know the cause of the fire, but a neighbor told us that somebody threw a burning object through the window. firefighters however will not confirm this but we have arson investigators on scene. it started at 4:00ometer bottom floor of this unit at the dixon lane apartment near the bart station. the woman and her son got out of the home safely. firefighters had to evacuate a family of four next door. they think someone purposesly started the fire. >> someone threw something through the front window.
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the lady next door. she came out to let everybody know it's on fire. the husband grabbed the two kids and they got out the house. >> reporter: the one-alarm fire was contained to the one unit. back live, you can see some of the residents. dixon lane apartments out in their pajamas, some of them in bare feet all of them very scared by what they saw this morning. firefighters are mopping up while the investigation begins. elissa harrington, cbs 5. new this morning, squatters may be behind an early-morning fire in east oakland. flames were shooting out from around the building around 1:30 at 64th and international boulevard. they flared back up around 4:00 but crews put them out again. officials say the building may have housed several homeless people. no injuries reported. the cause is under investigation. the same building caught fire in august. it took firefighters about a half hour to put out the flames
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then. at the time it was an appliance store called budget appliances. the san francisco gang task force is investigating a shooting in the mission district. a man critically wounded about 8:00 last night near 14th and natoma streets. he is expected to survive. witnesses say the suspect talked with the victim and then shot him. police don't have a good description of the suspect or clues. pleasant hill police are trying to figure out if there is a connection between several bombs in an area. one was found outside pleasant hill elementary school. the bomb squad was brought in. >> it looks like it had been lit but didn't go off. >> we can only hope there aren't more. we hope it's not going to be a rash of them. >> the pipe bomb was found just three days after five teenagers
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were arrested for pipe bombs in mailboxes and several others were found in the in area. giselle esteban was sentenced yesterday to 25 years to life for killing michelle le. judge called her a cold-blooded killer for the death of the 26- year-old last year. esteban said nothing know court and showed no emotion. >> maybe she will never feel remorse. i can't say that. but if she did at least it would show she is somewhat of a human being. >> esteban mistakenly believed her former classmate was involved with her ex-boyfriend and father of her oldest child. after questions over expenses, another port of oakland executive is on his way out. maritime director james kwon is quitting this month but will stay on as an advisor until his replacement is hired. a new outside audit found that kwon billed strip club charges
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and other employees and commissioners in misused credit cards. omar benjamin retired after an audit. 5:34. let's check the weather. we have a little rain coming our way and temperatures are dipping. >> a little chilly in the bay area, some of those numbers in the 30s and 40s as we speak and yes, we have some clouds headed in our direction. some patchy dense fog in some of the north bay valleys. visibilities down to a half mile now toward the santa rosa area, also some dense fog in the napa valley. i think things are changing. a cold front is going to drop in bringing with it at least a chance of rain toward tonight. so with that in mind outside right now it is mostly calm and cool. temperatures in the 30s in santa rosa with fog, 39 concord. 47 though in san francisco and 45 degrees in san jose. around the bay today you'll find mid-60s in toward the south bay, some of the warmer temperatures around the bay area. east bay numbers maybe up to 63
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in livermore, 59 in antioch, 60 concord. inside the bay 50s in san francisco, fog at the coast. chance of rain tonight, maybe snow. we'll talk about that more in a moment. let's check the roads with elizabeth. >> we got an update from some members of the kcbs phone force. southbound lanes highway 35 are completely shut down right now approaching john daly boulevard. northbound traffic is able to get by but if you are just waking up with us a car ran off the road. we are hearing major injuries so we may bring you live pictures from the scene. just the southbound lanes are blocked. overnight roadwork might slow you down eastbound 4 at railroad. in the meantime it's really in the commute direction westbound where we are seeing brake lights all the way through the antioch exits towards the pittsburg-bay point area. south bay check our live sensors showing speeds moving at the limit this morning. and back outside, here's a live look right now. conditions across the san mateo bridge, things are picking up
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in the commute direction but the drive is still 14 minutes out of hayward towards the peninsula. that is "timesaver traffic." back to you guys. >> thank you. 5:36 now. fans in the bay area are mourning the death of mexican- american singer jenni rivera. ♪ [ music ] she was killed in a weekend plane crash in northern mexico. she was at the peak of her career. she was a grandmother and single mother of five children. >> i'm a single mother, too. she tried to help her kids. >> sad da for you? >> very sad. >> u.s. officials will help investigate the plane crash, which killed rivera and six others. it's expected to be at least 10 days before there is a preliminary report on the crash of that plane. a fatal pedestrian accident is under investigation in san francisco. a man was hit by a truck at
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market and bill streets about 2:30 yesterday afternoon. police say the truck driver is cooperating with investigators who are still trying to determine exactly what happened. it comes as san francisco kicks off a traffic safety campaign this holiday season. it's called what's the rush? the program encourages drivers, bicyclists and pedestrians to be more aware of their surroundings. the burlingame school district will meet tonight to consider a plan to reopen hoover elementary school. the school has been closed since the early '80s. neighborhood residents are concerned that opening the school will have a major impact on traffic, bringing 250 cars to the area twice a day. >> monterey bay residents want to know what drove thousands of squid to beach themselves. thousands of humboldt squid washed up during high tide yesterday along a 12-mile stretch of shoreline from aptos to watsonville. some people tried to put them back in the water but the squid swam right back to shore.
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the graduate student observing the bizarre phenomenon said the squid probably don't have a clue where they are. >> they don't see the shore very often. so it might just be that they don't understand what's going on around them. they are trying to get away and don't realize if they swim toward the shore they will run out of water eventually. >> researchers think the juvenile squid may have eaten toxic al it. they may have caused them to become disoriented and then swim on the shore. el nino weather patterns may have played a part of drawing the squid to the cooler water in northern california. negotiations in the crab strike will resume this afternoon the it's been six days since the boats went out and dungeness crab is hard to find in stores and restaurants. they are upset over wholesaler attempts to lower prices. oregon is delaying the opening of its crab season until december 30. that may give bay area crabbers
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a little more leverage. 5:39. why some police say apple's maps could be deadly for draws. >> how cell phone apps could secretly be storing information on your children. ,, ,,,,
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you also receive a bronze mouth guard. >> number 2... >> get to appear on letterman in the same city as my favorite
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show, late my with jimmy fallon. >> way. and the number one perk of winning the heisman trophy, ladies and gentlemen... >> my passport photo looks like this. [ laughter ] >> appropriate, right? >> i guess. johnnie football. only a freshman 20 years of age and won the heisman trophy out of texas a & m. today marks the fourth anniversary of bernie madoff's arrest in a multi-billion- dollar ponzi scheme. madoff pleaded guilty and is serving a 150 year sentence. we asked jill schlesinger, editor at large for to give us an update on the case. first, good morning, jill. >> reporter: good morning. >> so how much money has been recovered for these victims? >> reporter: irving picard is the trustee appointed to recover funds from madoff and has secured about $9.3 billion of the estimated 17.5 billion dollars invested with madoff.
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two big highlights, 7.2 billion- dollar deal with a madoff associated who died and a $162 million settlement of the owner of the new york mets. the trustee hopes to recover an additional $3 billion over the next year and a half. that leaves investors with about a $5 billion total loss. >> wow. the scandal was a wake-up call for investors. what can we do to protect ourselves against this? >> reporter: i think you always need to start by asking questions. you want to determine whether your broker or advisor will be handling the advice. the trading or the custodianship where your assets are held. the lesson of madoff is interesting. you should avoid advisors who control all three aspects of the investment process. in most firms, at least one of those pieces is handled separately. that allows for a third party to conduct checks and balance. the next thing is of course be cynical about stellar returns never type of market. that seems crazy to question good returns.
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one big red flag of the madoff scheme, he never had a losing month! his returns were so consistent that a lot of people said, well, this has to be manufactured. they were right. finally, if you think there could be a problem, get a second opinion from another advisor or just trust your gut and move on to another. to help protect yourself against scams or even to ask questions of a new advisor, go to where we highlight the 10 questions to ask any potential financial advisor, stockbroker or insurance salesman. we want you to be armed with information. >> yeah. if it's too good to true, might want to move on. >> reporter: probably is. >> all right. jill schlesinger,, thank you. new this morning, a big buy for a big airline. delta is buying virgin atlantic for $360 million. sir richard branson will still own more than half of the airline and it will continue to operate as a separate airline
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under its own name. hewlett-packard stocks soared yesterday amid unconfirmed reports that activist investor carl icahn plans to put a stake in the company. the jump helped hp stock down 45% of the year. icahn is said to be worth more than $14 billion and his hedge fund was one of the biggest performers of last year. >> there could be snow on mount diablo by tomorrow. >> tomorrow afternoon if you look up to the mountains you might see a little snow up there. wouldn't be that be neat? by the way, we have the king tide coming. those are the biggest tides of the years over the next couple of days. 6 to 7-foot tides in the morning hours of course. very low in toward the afternoon. but very interesting as we'll see those tides on the increase. no flooding expected but should be neat to see. out the door today? >> clear skies, patchy fog in
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the north bay. chilly temperatures. we have 30s in the interior valleys. 39 concord, 37 degrees now with some fog in santa rosa, 45 in san jose and 47 degrees in san francisco. changes in the weather coming our way. high pressure starting to break down. we have a cold front and a very chilly storm that's headed in our direction. likely to bring with it some clouds and rainfall overnight tonight. if you are headed out the door, mostly sunny into sfo by the afternoon. no delays expected there. across the country though it is going to be chilly in spots only 36 degrees in chicago, 40 in denver, but it should be pretty good travel conditions toward the afternoon. let's see if we can time the storm for you. low clouds and fog along the coast later part of the day and here come the storm clouds overnight tonight into tomorrow morning. so it looks like a storm over start to the day tomorrow and then breaking off to showers throughout the day. today should be dry into the south bay, mid-60s still possible that san jose and morgan hill. east bay temperatures also up into the 50s and 60s. and inside the bay we'll find some sunshine and a mixture of
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clouds on the increase in the latter part of the day and 50s and 60s for the highs. storm clouds returning this evening in the north bay, overnight the rest of the bay area seeing the rain onshore. then another storm system making its way in on friday and then maybe another one on sunday. all right, let's check the roads with elizabeth. >> thank you, lawrence. i just got word, we are getting our first live pictures now from the scene of this major injury accident in daly city. so yeah, you're looking at it. this is a lot of flashing lights. what happened it was right around i guess 4:30 in the morning a car actually ran off the road and down into a ditch so again we are hearing moderate to major injuries involved. this is highway 35 right there between the county line and john daly where you can actually see crews now searching for those victims. right now it's just one southbound lane that's blocked. northbound traffic is not impacted. for a while all the southbound lanes were shut down. but they were able to let some cars go through. so again one southbound lane of
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highway 35 is shut down between the san francisco san mateo county line and john daly boulevard. let's go to our maps and other live traffic cameras. bay bridge toll plaza no metering lights yet but they will likely turn them on very shortly. fastrak gets by okay but cash lanes are stacking up. elsewhere to our other maps, a new accident westbound 580 approaching grant line road there is an accident there and you can see one of the those speed sensors actually showing some brake lights just behind it. so drive time in the green for now. but that will obviously continue to grow. 16 minutes now between the altamont pass and the dublin interchange. we have another traffic camera here towards tassajara. you can see those taillights are moving okay right now towards 680 and the dublin interchange. this is that accident that i just mentioned again southbound highway 35 approach john daly boulevard. one of those lanes is blocked after that car ran off the roadway there. here's another live look outside, the nimitz 880 in oakland right there by the oakland coliseum. taillights are harder to see
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but the drive time is 16 minutes between 238 and the maze. crossing the golden gate bridge right now, this is what it looks like heading towards doyle drive coming into san francisco. not too bad for the marin county commute. bart, by the way, all on time. that is your "timesaver traffic." back to you guys. >> thank you. errors in apple's mapping applications are leading australian drivers into life- threatening situations. drivers headed into the southern sill of mill dura have been led instead to a remote stake park with extremely high temperatures. no phone reception, either. at least four people have actually needed to be rescued. apple has up dated its maps after police put out a warning. twitter is adding its own retro photo filther to compete with facebook's instagram for a photo filter. it's available for androids and iphone apps. users will have eight features. social networking site added the ability to include images
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in tweets a year and a half ago. a warning from the government about kids and smartphones. the federal trade commission says many apps are secretly tracking what kids are doing and sharing it. a report found 60% of apps analyze information like locations and phone numbers but only one in five actually discloses the practice. the ftc is investigating whether mobile app developers are violating the children's online privacy protect act. up next a new test run today for the air force's secret high-tech spacecraft. >> plus weird lights in the sky in the bay area. the faa weighs in on an explanation. ,,,,
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look at you guys with your fancy-schmancy u-verse high speed internet. you know, in my day you couldn't just start streaming six ways to sunday. you'd get knocked off. and sometimes, it took a minute to download a song. that's sixty seconds, for crying out loud. we know how long a minute is! sitting, waiting for an album to download. i still have back problems. you're only 14 and a half. he doesn't have back problems. you kids have got it too good if you ask me. [ male announcer ] now u-verse high speed internet has more speed options, reliability and ways to connect. rethink possible.
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a major injury crash in daly city on highway 35, crews are working hard to get a car out of a ditch. there will be closures in that area for a couple of hours. we'll have much more on this plus the rest of your morning commute coming up. >> and the clouds gathering to our north. a chance of rain is headed in our direction maybe a couple of snowflakes too. we'll talk about that coming up. third time is the charge for the air force's latest experimental space plane. they are sending the vehicle on its third test flight today. it's being developed as a reusable unmanned space vehicle. engineers say it can fly 500 miles above earth at speeds
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over 17,000 miles an hour. the launch is planned at cape canaveral in florida at 10 a.m. something lit up the night sky in san francisco's mission district. but it wasn't a meteor. a constellation, planet, not even the moon. check out the video, it was shot by a witness there. you can see 7 strange lights all in a line. people say they flickered on and off for a while before forming a triangle. some believe it's a ufo while others are not so convinced. >> i am 100% sure this was a ufo. >> you would do admit you had a little christmas cheer. >> absolutely. tequila was maybe an influence here. >> definitely not an alien starship of some sort. >> that wouldn't be my first guess. >> too much tequila? hm. scientists say they were more than likely just floating balloons carrying lights. >> i don't get what tequila has to do with all of that. anyway. >> it makes you hallucinate. >> everyone says it's a ufo, or floating lights. we are showing some of the
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best area christmas displays and tony sent this in: unfortunately they had a few things s cluding a baby jesus a few years ago, but y decided to continue this ye. share your holiday photos wh us. email them to mornings music and 13,000 lights. they decided to continue this year even though they had some items stolen a few years ago. email us your photos or videos at we want to share them with everyone. >> nice job. next half hour coming up anonymous no more. we know the second winner of that record powerball jackpot. how the "fiscal cliff" affected his prize. we'll tell you. >> and a mother and her son rushed to escape their burning home in hayward. what she saw just before that has arson investigators on alert. >> and i'm live in daly city
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where a car drove over an embankment into a ditch the chp says one person may be suffering major injuries. we'll have more details in a live report coming up. ,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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>> >> your realtime captioner: linda marie macdonald story. in daly city a car went over a cliff. we'll have details in a moment. >> a mother and son escape a burning home in hayward. why arson investigators call the fire suspicious. >> mostly clear and cold. rain tomorrow. we'll talk about that coming up. >> conditions at the bay bridge toll plaza, it's already starting to stack up in the cash lanes fastrak okay. much more "timesaver traffic" coming up. good morning, everyone. it's tuesday, december 11th. i'm michelle griego. >> hi, everyone. itm frank mallicoat.


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